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The Grand Carousel

Real nostalgia for carousel fans

Carousels have been thrilling people of all ages around the world for over 400 years. The nostalgic "The Grand Carousel" is not only a crowd-puller for children, but also fascinates people of all ages.
It is a multi-storey carousel with the unique option of accessing a second floor via a staircase from the entrance level. More gondolas and horses await visitors there.

Das nostalgische „The Grand Carousel“ ist nicht nur ein Publikumsmagnet für Kinder, sondern fasziniert Menschen jeden Alters. Es handelt sich um ein Etagen¬karussell mit der einzigartigen Möglichkeit, von der Einstiegsebene aus über eine Treppe in ein zweites Stockwerk zu gelangen
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder

The best of different art eras combined

"The Grand Carousel" is an elaborate overall design and combines the art of the Baroque, Rococo and Renaissance eras. The figures are based on historical models and include horses, Venetian and trill gondolas. The ride experience is accompanied by specially developed audio intros and jingles.

The largest transportable multi-storey carousel in the world

"The Grand Carousel" has 62 seats and is an impressive eye-catcher with a diameter of 12 metres and a height of 14 metres. It is the largest transportable deck carousel in the world. The carousel is a real crowd-puller and can be used in countless ways, e.g. at Christmas markets, historical markets, city festivals, open-air events, corporate events, trade fairs and much more.

A sustainable carousel

The "Grand Carousel" has an energy-efficient electric drive and economical LED lighting. Environmentally friendly bio-lubricants and hydraulic oils as well as biodegradable cleaning agents are used.