Contact and press

The right contacts for all things Oktoberfest

Here you will find all the important contacts of the City of Munich for the Oktoberfest.

Medienschaffende bei Ihrer Arbeit während des Oktoberfest-Presserundgangs
Copyright: Referat für Arbeit und Wirtschaft


City of Munich
Department of Labour and Economic Development
Department Events

Phone +49 89/233-782801 +49 89/233-782802

Munich Tourism, Guest Service
Tourist Information City Hall, Marienplatz 8

Phone +49 89/233-96500 (Monday - Friday)


Application deadline for Oktoberfest and Oide Wiesn 2025 was 31 December 2024

You can find all information here.

Oktoberfest Press Office
City of Munich
Department of Labour and Economic Development
Telephone (press only):
+49 (0)89 233 782813

City of Munich
Department of Labour and Economic Development
Department Events
Trade mark and licence management


All further information can be found here

Referent für Arbeit und Wirtschaft (Consultant for Labor and Economy) Dr. Christian Scharpf

Der Referent für Arbeit und Wirtschaft, Christian Scharpf
Copyright: RAW
Took office as “Wiesn boss” on March 1, 2025: Head of Economic Affairs Dr. Christian Scharpf.

The department, headed by Christian Scharpf, is responsible for economic development, labour market policy, EU projects, investment management, tourism and organises the city's traditional festivals and markets: the Auer Dulten, the Oktoberfest and the Christkindlmarkt (Christmas market).

Management Benedikt Brandmeier

Geschäftsbereichsleiter Benedikt Brandmeier
Copyright: RAW, München Tourismus
Tourism and event director Benedikt Brandmeier.

As a municipal tourism organisation, Munich Tourism is part of the Department of Labour and Economic Affairs of the City of Munich. Together with its partners from the private sector, the Munich Tourism Initiative TIM e.V., Munich Tourism develops marketing and PR measures as well as tourism products in order to position Munich as a destination in international competition.

Festival organiser Andre Listing

Veranstaltungsleiter Andre Listing
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder

Fachbereichsleiter Andre Listing.

Fachbereich 6/ events

Das Team vom Fachbereich 6 - Veranstaltungen
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
The Team of the Fachbereich 6/events

The events department is responsible for the event management of the city's traditional festivals and markets: Auer Dulten (Maidult, Jakobidult, Kirchweihdult), Christkindlmarkt and Oktoberfest with the Oidn Wiesn.
The department is also involved in the city's foundation festival and coordinates the ‘Sommer in der Stadt’ programme series, which is organised by independent curators from the fields of culture, sport, showmanship and market trades.

The events department also manages the Theresienwiese, where various events take place throughout the year, such as the spring festival with the giant flea market, circus guest performances and the winter edition of the Tollwood Festival.