Pure thrills — and not just for motorsports fans
What’s happening is incredible. If you like horsepower and daring acrobatics, you can’t miss the original Pitt’s Todeswand (Wall of Death). One look into this kettle of hell, and you could gladly head for the train home.

What’s special: Germany’s greatest motorsports show
Pitt’s Todeswand showcases daring rides on motorcycles and go-karts. The Death Wall is eight meters tall, and has a diameter of an amazing 12 meters - that’s plenty of room for unbelievable stunts that will stick in your memory. Spectators can expect breathtaking acrobatics, blind rides, and wild pursuits. A must for horsepower junkies!
Those who want to look into the “pipe” will get their money’s worth here
Who should visit Pitt’s Todeswand? Anyone who wants to see astonishing things during their visit to Oktoberfest will be completely captivated by the Wall of Death. The acrobats’ driving skills are simply not of this world, and no matter how many times you’ll be tempted to slap your hands over your eyes, you will “have to” keep watching to the end. The performance is too excellent, the mood at the steep wall too good. These performances are great fun for the entire family.
The Todeswand for backseat drivers: going hard for 70 years
For more than 80 years, Pitt’s Todeswand has been showing the great art of steep wall artistry. The operating family places great importance on history and tradition, so this motto applies: “restore yes, modernize no.” For this reason, the old wooden construction is preserved and maintained. A new building is not planned. Hard to believe, but true: Some of the machines — Indian Scouts — are originals that even Emperor Wilhelm II’s daughter saw during her visit to the Wall of Death.