Heinz Wurst- und Hühnerbraterei

If you like to eat, Heinz is the place for you

“Go to Heinz’s for something fine” — as well as traditional sausage and poultry specialties, here you will also find vegetarian dishes.

Heinz Wurst- und Hühnerbraterei auf dem Münchner Oktoberfest
Copyright: Sebastian Lehner

What’s special: sausages and roast chicken since 1906

The Heinz Sausage and Chicken Roaster is a family business that is now in its fifth generation. Since 1906, it has promoted itself with the slogan: “Go to Heinz’s for something fine.” Something fine – that includes hearty sausage and poultry specialties, consumed in the traditional atmosphere of the tent. If you don’t want to stay long, you can also get your sausage or chicken to go.

The audience: a colorful mix

The tent is the place to go for everyone who’s hungry and wants to enjoy the Oktoberfest in a cozy atmosphere. Families, businesses, private visitors, locals and tourists – the audience of the Heinz’s is a colorful mix.

Small at Oktoberfest, large at Auer Dult

the Heinz Sausage and Chicken Roaster is one of the smaller tents at the Oktoberfest. But at Auer Dult, the traditional market that takes place three times a year on the Mariahilfplatz in Munich, “Heinz” is the biggest stalls – and that since 1906! So if you can’t wait for Oktoberfest, you can get a taste of the Oktoberfest at the Maidult market in May, and the Jakobidult market from the end of July to early August. After the Oktoberfest, there is also the Kirchweihdult, which starts in late October.

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