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Commemorative event on the 45th anniversary of the Oktoberfest attack

Wreath-laying ceremony by Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter

On Friday, September 26, Mayor Dieter Reiter will commemorate the right-wing extremist bomb attack at the Oktoberfest in 1980 with a memorial service and wreath-laying ceremony.

Mit einer Gedenkveranstaltung und Kranzniederlegung durch Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter wurde am Donnerstag, 26. September, um 9.30 Uhr an den rechtsextremistischen Bombenanschlag auf dem Oktoberfest im Jahr 1980 erinnert.
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter during his commemorative speech at the site of the 1980 assassination.

Commemoration of the more than 200 victims of the attack

Gedenkveranstaltung zum 44. Jahrestag des Oktoberfest-Attentats
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
The anniversary is organized by the trade union youth of the DGB and supported by the City of Munich.

The anniversary has been organized by the DGB trade union youth for more than four decades and has also been supported and sponsored by the City of Munich for many years.
The memorial service for over 200 victims of violence in the attack, twelve of whom were fatally shot, will take place at the memorial in front of the main entrance to the Oktoberfest, Bavariaring 5.
In addition to Lord Mayor Reiter, relatives of survivors will speak on the 45th anniversary of the most serious right-wing terrorist attack in German history. The Federal Commissioner for Victims also regularly takes part in the commemoration and wreath-laying ceremony.

Municipal documentation of the Oktoberfest attack

Since 2020, the municipal documentation Oktoberfest Attack on the Theresienwiese has provided information about the right-wing extremist attack of 1980 alongside the memorial.
The documentation was produced by the Department of Culture together with survivors of the terrorist attack. Further information can be found at www.dokumentation-oktoberfestattentat.de.