Church service at the Oktoberfest 2025

Ecumenical mass in the Marstall Festzelt

The ecumenical church service at the Oktoberfest in the Marstall Festzelt is aimed at festival workers — but visitors are also invited to pray for a peaceful Oktoberfest together.

Wiesngottesdienst im Marstall Festzelt
Copyright: München Tourismus, Jan Saurer
A fixed Oktoberfest date: The traditional Oktoberfest and memorial service in the Marstall Festzelt.

The Oktoberfest church service at a glance

  • Date: first Thursday of the Oktoberfest
  • Time: 9:30 am
  • Venue: Marstall Festzelt
  • Who is it for? Festival workers, landlords and market sellers – but open to everyone
  • Confession: Ecumenical

    Prayer instead of beer at the Marstall Festzelt

    Ausblick in die Menge beim Wiesngottesdienst
    Copyright: RAW, Jan Saurer
    The showmen's service has been at home in the Marstall Festzelt since 2015, which is ten years now.

    The Wiesn church service is a longstanding tradition at the Munich Oktoberfest. It was held for the first time in 1956 by the head of the Catholic circus and festival workers’ chaplaincy, Father Heinz Peter Schönig. The service itself is ecumenical and is conducted by Catholic and Protestant ministers.

    The service is primarily aimed at Oktoberfest staff, and commemorates showmen, market sellers and Oktoberfest hosts who have passed away. The church service also offers christenings, first communions and confirmations to children of showmen. The service is publicly accessible and also caters to visitors of the Oktoberfest. Entry is, of course, free of charge.

    From 1956 to 2013, it was held at the hippodrome. In 2014, the service was held at Fischer Vroni. Since 2015, it has found a new home at the Marstall festival tent. There, attendees pray for a peaceful Oktoberfest together.