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Parking at Oktoberfest: Parking lots in and around Munich

Where’s the best place to park in and around Munich?

Parking your automobile near to Theresienwiese or downtown is not so easy during Oktoberfest – and expensive. Luckily the city offers lots of Park + Ride stations, which are directly connected to the public transport network, to take you downtown and to Oktoberfest.

P+R Parkplatz in München
Copyright: Anette Göttlicher

Get to Oktoberfest comfortably from the Park + Ride with the U-Bahn or S-Bahn

  • For all those travelling to Oktoberfest by automobile, it’s worth leaving your vehicle at a Park + Ride. They’re the cheaper alternative to an expensive downtown parking garage. Moreover, these are mainly larger and rarely full. Depending on which direction you’re arriving in Munich from, different Park + Rides are better, marked on street signs and on maps with “P+R”. The P+R stations are always found at a U-Bahn or S-Bahn station, from which you can easily and quickly get downtown and to Oktoberfest. Please note: Payment is in coins from 10 euro cents upwards. Bills or cards are not accepted.

Arriving from the A9 from the direction of Nuremberg

  • Leave at interchange Garching-Nord, following signs to U-Bahn station Garching-Forschungszentrum
  • Leave at interchange Garching-Süd, following signs to U-Bahn station Garching Hochbrück
  • Leave at interchange Fröttmaning, following signs to U-Bahn station Fröttmaning
  • Travel time with the U-Bahn line U6 (direction Klinikum Großhadern) to Goetheplatz takes 20 to 29 minutes.

Arriving from the A92 from the direction of Deggendorf

  • Leave at interchange Freising Ost, following signs to S-Bahn station with P+R station in Freising. Travel time with the S-Bahn line S1 (direction Ostbahnhof) to Hackerbrücke lasts 41 minutes.
  • Leave at interchange Flughafen München, following signs to S-Bahn station with P+R station in Hallbergmoos. Travel time with the S-Bahn line S8 (direction Herrsching) to Hackerbrücke lasts 36 minutes.

Arriving from the A94 from the direction of Mühldorf

  • Leave at interchange Feldkirchen-West, following signs to U-Bahn station Messestadt Ost. Take the U2 (direction Feldmoching), change at Innsbrucker Ring to the U5 (direction Laimer Platz) to Theresienwiese. Travel time: 29 minutes.
  • Leave at interchange Feldkirchen-Ost, following signs to S-Bahn station Feldkirchen. Take the S2 (direction Petershausen) to Hackerbrücke. Travel time: 24 minutes.

Arriving from the A8 from the direction of Salzburg

  • Leave at interchange Hofoldinger Forst, following signs to S-Bahn station Sauerlach. From there the journey with the S3 (direction Mammendorf) to Hackerbrücke lasts 35 minutes. Leave at interchange Unterhaching-Ost, following signs to U-Bahn station Neuperlach Süd; with the U5 (direction Laimer Platz) you can be at Theresienwiese in 19 minutes.

Arriving from the A95 from the direction of Garmisch

  • Leave at the interchange München-Fürstenried, following signs to U-Bahn station Fürstenried West. Travel time with the U-Bahn line U3 (direction Moosach) to Goetheplatz: 14 minutes.

Arriving from the A96 from the direction of Lindau

  • Leave at the interchange Schöffelding, following signs to S-Bahn station Geltendorf. From there take the S4 (direction Ebersberg) to Hackerbrücke. Travel time: 43 minutes. Leave at the interchange Germering, following signs to S-Bahn station Harthaus. From there take the S8 (direction Flughafen München) to Hackerbrücke. Travel time: 19 minutes.

Arriving from the A8 from the direction of Augsburg

  • Leave at the interchange Dachau/Fürstenfeldbruck, following signs to S-Bahn station Olching. From there take the S3 (direction Holzkirchen) to Hackerbrücke. Travel time: 21 minutes. Leave at the interchange München-Langwied, following signs to S-Bahn station Lochhausen. Travel time with the S3 (direction Holzkirchen) to Hackerbrücke is 18 minutes.

Arriving from the A99 from the west

  • Leave at the interchange München-Lochhausen/Gröbenzell, following signs to S-Bahn station Langwied. Take the S3 (direction Holzkirchen) to Hackerbrücke. Travel time: 14 minutes.

Park + Rides near downtown Munich

  • Via the A995 you can access the Park + Ride Mangfallplatz in the south of the city. The underground garage has space for 255 automobiles. Further Park + Rides that are close to downtown and somewhat smaller are the P+Rs Heimeranplatz, Olympiazentrum and Westfriedhof. The smaller Park + Rides, however, are often filled up by commuters during the week.

Parking downtown: Parking garages

  • Downtown and in the Old Town there are many parking garages and underground garages, which can be used during Oktoberfest. Visitors must often reach deep into their pockets for these, however. Moreover, parking is rarely permitted longer than 24 hours at a time. During Oktoberfest you need to be very lucky to get a parking spot – most parking garages are full for the duration of the festival. Many parking spots are rented as long-term parking spots during Oktoberfest. For up to 250 euros a month! Avoid looking for your own parking spot near to Theresienwiese at all costs. Firstly you won’t get anywhere near Theresienwiese and secondly there are hardly any legal parking spots, even outside the restricted zone – the authorities will tow parking offenders strictly and immediately.

Parking at Ostbahnhof: Parking facilities for cars and motorhomes

  • Parking spaces for cars and motorhomes have been available at Ostbahnhof since April 2024. The car park is a 6-minute walk from Ostbahnhof and from there you can take the U4/5 directly to Theresienwiese. Address of the car park: Grafinger Str. 27A, 81671 Munich

Automobiles in Munich require an emissions-control windshield sticker

  • In Munich, the entire area within the Mittlerer Ring as well as the Mittlerer Ring itself is designated as an environmental zone. This area may only be entered with a valid green windshield sticker. In addition, diesel vehicles with the Euro 4/VI emission standards and worse have been banned from driving in the environmental zone extended to include the Mittlerer Ring since February 2023. Further information on this can be found at https://stadt.muenchen.de/infos/umweltzone-muenchen.html.