Want to participate as a band or traditional costume association? This is how the application works
If you are a member of a band or traditional costume association? This is how the application works and would like to be part of the traditional Trachten- und Schützenzug on the first Sunday of the Wiesn, you can find all the information on how to apply here!

Participation in traditional costume and hunters’ parade
The Trachten- und Schützenzug is one of the highlights of the Munich Oktoberfest. It has a long tradition - in 1835 it took place for the first time on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Oktoberfest. Today, about 9,000 people from all over Europe present the diversity of traditional costumes, customs and folk dancing. Many a person dreams of being there as a participant when the procession moves from the Max II Monument through downtown Munich to the Festwiese. This does not have to remain a dream. If you would like to take part in the Trachten- und Schützenzug with your band or your traditional costume association, you can apply to Festring München e.V. for participation. The association has been organizing the Schützen- und Trachtenumzug, which always takes place on the first Sunday of Oktoberfest, since 1956.
The application
The application is made in writing and must be received by Festring e.V. by January 15 of the respective year. There is an application form for this on the association's website. The selection of the participants for the Trachten- und Schützenzug takes place in February. At the beginning of March, the applicants receive an acceptance or rejection. Those who participate in the Trachten- und Schützenzug do so on a voluntary basis. There is no payment - the special experience and the cheers of the masses are reward enough.
Contact details Festring München e.V.
All further information on participation in the Trachten- und Schützenzug can be obtained directly from Festring München e.V.:
Festring München e.V.
Organizer of the opening festivities of the Oktoberfest
Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 1
80333 München
Tel.: +49 89 260 81 34
Fax: +49 89 263 065
E-Mail: info@festring.de