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1.500 pre-school children on the steps of the Bavaria

Munich pre-school children explore the Oktoberfest

Around 1,500 children from 72 municipal institutions start the week with a foray through the Wiesn. For many children, it is also their first ever visit to the Wiesn.

1500 Münchner Vorschulkinder auf den Stufen der Bavaria
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner greeted the children who gathered in front of the Bavaria for the group photo.

Great enthusiasm among the children

On the steps of the Bavaria, Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner, Head of the Department of Labor and Economics, welcomes the future Wiesn fans together with Margit Braun, Head of the KITA Division in the Department of Education and Sport, and Claudia Janke, Head of the Municipal Agency in the same division. All three agree that the Wiesn tour is an important event for the children. They experience customs and traditions at first hand, learn a lot about the history of the Oktoberfest and can thus develop a real sense of belonging. The rides were also used extensively and the culinary specialties of the Oktoberfest were tested. Also present were organizer Yvonne Heckl, Peter Bausch from the Veranstaltungsgesellschaft der Münchner Schausteller GmbH as well as Otto Lindinger, spokesman for the Kleine Wiesnwirte and Robbi Eckl.

This was followed by an extensive stroll around the Oktoberfest

First of all, the youngsters look forward to rides and a hearty snack. The more than 200 educational staff at the facility accompany the children, divided into several groups, and ensure that everything runs smoothly. The Department of Education and Sport organizes and coordinates the Oktoberfest Children's Stroll together with the Veranstaltungsgesellschaft der Münchner Schausteller (VMS) and with the support of the Department of Labour and Economic Affairs.

Partners and sponsors of this year's event are the Oktoberfest showmen and market traders as well as the hosts of the small Wiesn tents.