Awarding of the Wiesn Courage Prize
Wed 08/09/23 • 12:33 pm
For the fifth time, Condrobs e.V. 2023 is participating in the Oktoberfest with the "WiesnGentleman*" campaign. The campaign aims to promote and reward civil courage at the Oktoberfest. This year, the Wiesn Courage Award will be offered.

Photo: Condrobs e.V. (archive image from 2022)
Wiesn Courage Award for safe celebrating
Showing respect, solidarity and civil courage in dicey situations, staying calm and standing up for other visitors: That is what makes a WiesnGentleman*. The patron of the campaign is Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter, for whom this campaign is a matter close to his heart: "Standing up for a safe Wiesn, even looking to see if someone at the next table needs help and showing civil courage is important and contributes to safe celebrations."
This year, under the new name Wiesn-Courage-Preis (formerly Wiesn-Gentleman*-Preis), Oktoberfest visitors will again be honored for their civil courage at the Oktoberfest. Everyone is allowed to submit their own personal Oktoberfest story in which they looked and helped. A prominent jury will select the winners, who will be honored on September 29, 2023 at the Oktoberfest in the presence of Mayor Reiter.
The initiative WiesnGentleman* of Condrobs e.V. at the Oktoberfest
Every day from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., Condrobs employees are on hand at Esperantoplatz to raise awareness among visitors to the Wiesn for peaceful and fair coexistence while celebrating. In addition, Condrobs street workers are out and about on and around the Festwiese on weekends and in the evenings before the holiday, providing very pragmatic help: finding friends again, defusing difficult situations or organizing a safe route home.
This is the fifth time that Condrobs e.V. 2023 has participated in the Oktoberfest with its "WiesnGentleman*" campaign. The non-profit organization has been involved in youth and addiction support as well as other social areas for 50 years.