A dream under a white blue sky

Traditional square concert with the festival bands

It was once again an unforgettable experience for the participants and the thousands of onlookers.On the second Sunday of the Oktoberfest (29 September), the bands from all the festival tents came together for the big Wiesnwirte square concert at the foot of the Bavaria. This year, St Peter was once again kind and blessed the guests with blue skies and sunshine.

Tausende Zuschauer beim Platzkonzert 2024
RAW, Moritz Röder
Thousands of spectators came to the Wiesnwirte 2024 square concert.

300 musicians conducted by prominent conductors

Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter
RAW, Moritz Röder
Spectacular backdrop. The Oktoberfest hosts' stand concert with more than 300 musicians on the steps of the Bavaria.

On the second Wiesn Sunday at 11 a.m. sharp, the bands from the large Wiesn festival tents opened the traditional musical highlight of the Oktoberfest. Around 300 musicians created a goosebump-inducing atmosphere in front of the marvellous backdrop of the Bavaria. After the welcoming address by presenter Dominik Göbl from Bayerischer Rundfunk, the spokesman for the large Wiesn landlords, Peter Inselkammer, spoke to the numerous attendees. Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner was then awarded the Wiesn landlords' badge of honour before conducting his last march in this context in his role as business representative. Like all other conductors, he was also presented with the Wiesn innkeepers' annual mug by Münchner Kindl Franziska Inselkammer.

Teufelsrad owner Elisabeth Polaczy conducted the next march. Afterwards, the traditional costume association from Prien am Chiemsee was allowed to demonstrate its skills. The former chairman of the Munich Breweries Association, Andreas Steinfatt, also made his appearance as conductor, followed by a performance by the alphorn players from the Allgäu-Swabian Music Association.

One of the highlights of this year's square concert was the last joint performance by the pop duo Marianne and Michael Hartl, who performed a medley of their best-known songs. They were accompanied by Wolfgang Grünbauer and his Oktoberfest musicians. 

Other items on the programme included Ewald Metzger's solo on the tuba and the presentation of the Wiesnwirt's prize of honour to Gernot Raab, headmaster of the city's vocational school for the hotel, restaurant and brewing industry. Wiesn city councillor Anja Berger and KVR representative Hanna Sammüller-Gradl also had the honour of conducting the world's largest open-air Oktoberfest band this year. 

Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter was the last conductor of this special open-air concert at the foot of the Bavaria.  

At the end, colourful balloons rose into the sky to the Bavarian anthem

Luftballons steigen vor der Bavaria auf
RAW, Moritz Röder
Balloons rise in front of the Bavaria

The spectacular finale is traditionally the Bavarian anthem, to which hundreds of colourful balloons rose into the sky in front of the Bavaria. Marianne and Michael once again set the tone. This time really for the last time.