189th Munich Oktoberfest officially opened in glorious weather

Ozapft is! Here's to a peaceful Oktoberfest.

‘Ozapft is! Here's to a peaceful Oktoberfest.’ Mayor Dieter Reiter tapped the first barrel at the Oktoberfest with two strokes today, successfully opening the 189th Oktoberfest. The first pint was traditionally given to Bavarian Prime-Minister Markus Söder. The tapping ritual in the Schottenhamel festival hall was preceded by the entry of the Oktoberfest landlords. Thousands of onlookers watched the spectacle in perfect weather.

Anstich des 189. Oktoberfests durch Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter.
Copyright: Michael Nagy/Presseamt München
The photo goes around the world. Mayor Dieter Reiter taps the first barrel of beer to open the 189th Oktoberfest.

The traditional tapping in the Schottenhamel Festhalle

Bekamen die ersten frischen Maßen: Petra Reiter, OB Dieter Reiter, Ministerpräsident Markus Söder und Karin Baumüller-Söder (v. li.).
Copyright: Michael Nagy/Presseamt München
Received the first fresh measurements: Petra Reiter, Mayor of Munich Dieter Reiter, Bavarian Minister-President Markus Söder and Karin Baumüller-Söder (from left).

Once again, Munich's Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter tapped the first barrel with just two skilful and brilliant strokes.The tapping traditionally took place in the tapping box in the Schottenhamel festival hall.
Beforehand, the publicans paraded from Josephspitalstraße to Theresienwiese in festively decorated carriages and brewery carriages. Numerous onlookers watched the festive procession with the splendid carriages of the Munich breweries and the music groups from the large Wiesn tents in bright sunshine. A total of around 1,000 people took part in the festive procession. 

The 189th Oktoberfest lasts until 6 October

The Oktoberfest grounds were already very busy at lunchtime. With pleasant temperatures and plenty of sunshine, there was hardly any room left in the beer gardens either.Compared to the previous year, the festival grounds were just as busy.Nevertheless, a peaceful and festive atmosphere prevailed.There have been no major incidents so far. The situation on the streets and at the entrances was relaxed. 

History of the tapping ritual

In 1950, a Munich mayor tapped the first beer barrel in the Schottenhamel for the first time. At the première, the then incumbent mayor Thomas Wimmer set an unrivalled record: With 17 tentative strokes, he drew out the serving of the first measure of beer significantly longer than any of his successors in office. Nevertheless, he established the fine tradition that the Oktoberfest tapping ceremony is performed by the Lord Mayor himself. The world-famous exclamation ‘Ozapft is’ has now achieved cult status. Since 1980, the incumbent Bavarian Prime Minister (at the time none other than Munich's Franz Josef Strauß) has been presented with the first pint of beer at Oktoberfest.