Free drinking water
This year, for the first time, free drinking water is available from Stadtwerke München (SWM) at the Wiesn: Oktoberfest visitors can obtain fresh drinking water at a total of five taps.

Offer is very well received

This year there are five free drinking water taps at the Wiesn. These are located outside at the toilet facilities on the eastern delivery road (parallel road between Wirtestrasse and Schaustellerstraße) and behind the wine tent. On the first warm days of the Wiesn, the facilities were very popular. In some cases, long queues formed at the drinking water points, but these quickly disappeared.
Daily control of hygiene and drinking water quality
The health department takes daily drinking water samples from all five drinking fountains before the start of the festival and at different times during the festival. So far, the drinking fountains have always been found in pleasingly good condition. The drinking fountains are maintained by a cleaning company, which also keeps the toilets clean. So far, the festival management has not become aware of any contamination or misuse, nor have there been any complaints.
Stadtwerke München had developed a prototype for these taps and built it in the SWM workshop on Hans-Preißinger-Strasse. The drinking water taps were installed and put into operation on a trial basis on September 7.
Glass bottles are still not allowed
The installation of the drinking water taps is the result of a motion from the Munich City Council, which was supported by a broad majority of the parliamentary groups. The taps are designed to be handicapped accessible. It is possible to tap water in unbreakable drinking vessels that you have brought with you. Glass bottles are still not permitted on the festival grounds.

"Great that it worked out this year".
Mayor Reiter: "I am pleased that we can now also offer free drinking water at the Wiesn. This is particularly important on hot days and I hope that the service will prove successful and that we can continue the project in the coming years. A few weeks ago, I had already asked Munich's restaurateurs to reconsider the sometimes overpriced water prices. In this respect, I was keen to set a good example at our public festival and offer free drinking water. It's great that this has worked out for this year."
Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner: "It's great that our Munich water, which is famous beyond the city limits, is now also available at the Wiesn. This is not only practical for families visiting our festival with children. It is also a classic sign of hospitality to offer water. I thank SWM for developing the beautifully designed fountains."