Water, soda, Spezi: It doesn't always have to be Oktoberfest beer
Those who want to do without alcohol at the Oktoberfest have a wide choice of beverages. After all, not all Oktoberfest visitors focus on enjoying a good beer. Some simply don't like the popular barley juice, others perhaps still have to drive, are too young for it or generally don't drink alcohol. Here's what else there is to drink and how much it costs, from non-alcoholic beer to table water.

Non-alcoholic beer in almost all tents

Those who prefer their beer non-alcoholic will get their money's worth at the Oktoberfest. Almost all festival tents also offer non-alcoholic beer. Since 2024, this also includes the festival tents where beer from Augustinerbräu is served.
Only Kuffler's Weinzelt and Feisinger's Kas & Weinstub'n do not serve non-alcoholic beer - but of course there are numerous other non-alcoholic drinks.
The prices for a measure of non-alcoholic beer at the Oktoberfest are the same as for the respective alcoholic Wiesn beers in the festival tents. An overview of the beer and drink prices can be found here.
Quench your thirst with mineral water
There are tents like the Käfer Wiesn-Schnänke, where a pint of water costs 9.40 euros. In other tents, such as the Augustiner Festzelt, you pay 10.60 euros. In the Schützen-Festzelt and many other tents, thirsty water drinkers are charged over 11 euros. In the Weinzelt you have to budget 14.67 euros for a liter of sparkling, but alcohol- and calorie-free pleasure. The cheapest place to get mineral water is the Goldener Hahn for 8.20 euros.

Free drinking water stations on the festival grounds
There are now ten fountains with free drinking water on the site.These are located on the Oidn Wiesn, at the toilet facilities, at the entrance to the Familienplatzl and at the Wiesn entrance on Esperantoplatz.There is also a fountain at the Fahrenschon family's wheat beer carousel.
This is what the other non-alcoholic drinks cost
Fans of sweet drinks and parents of children will pay between 8.20 and 14 euros for a "Kracherl" at Oktoberfest 2024, depending on the tent.If you want to drink Spezi, a mix of cola and orange soda, you will pay over 10 euros in every tent.The big exception: Glöcke Wirt (9 euros) and the Haxnbraterei (9.40 euros). Conclusion: If you know which tent to go to, you can save money by opting for non-alcoholic drinks rather than Wiesn beer.
Water for the Oktoberfest hangover
The best remedy against intoxication and an aching head the day after is of course — and for everyone, no matter if you’re from Munich or Tokyo — drinking in moderation. Tip: Drink about half a liter of water for each beer!