Contact and press

Everything you need to know

Here you can find all important contact persons of the City of Munich for the Oktoberfest.

Medienschaffende bei Ihrer Arbeit während des Oktoberfest-Presserundgangs
Referat für Arbeit und Wirtschaft


City of Munich
Department for Labor and Economy
Events Department

Phone Telefon +49 89/233-82801 +49 89/233-82802

Munich Tourism, Guest Service
Tourist Information City Hall, Marienplatz 8
Tourist Information Central Station, Luisenstraße 1

Phone +49 89/233-96500 (Monday - Friday)

Application deadline for Oktoberfest 2024 is December 31 2023.

You can find all information here (in German).

Oktoberfest Press Office
City of Munich
Department of Labor and Economy
Phone (press only):
+49 89 233 82813

All further information can be found here (in German).

City of Munich
Department for Labor and Economy
Events Department

Brand and license management


All further information can be found here (in German).

Oktoberfest boss Clemens Baumgärtner

Referent für Arbeit und Wirtschaft Clemens Baumgärtner

The department headed by Clemens Baumgärtner is responsible for economic development, labor market policy, EU projects, participation management, tourism and organizes the city's traditional festivals and markets: the Auer Dulten, the Oktoberfest and the Christkindlmarkt.

Business Unit Manager Benedikt Brandmeier

Geschäftsbereichsleiter Benedikt Brandmeier
RAW, München Tourismus

Tourism, Events, Hospitality Business Unit

Festival Management/Event Manager Andre Listing

Veranstaltungsleiter Andre Listing
RAW, Frank Stolle

Department 6 - Events