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Mayor Dieter Reiter and Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner present the innovations

The new products at a glance

Shortly before the opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter and Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner led the traditional press tour of the Wiesn. Here they personally presented the most exciting innovations at the Oktoberfest and the Oidn Wiesn to media representatives and invited guests.

Das 189. Oktoberfest ist bereit
Copyright: RAW
The 189th Oktoberfest one day before the start.

The Hupferl

OB Dieter Reiter und Wiesn-Chef Clemens Baumgärtner.
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
Mayor Dieter Reiter and Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner in front of the new Hupferl fairground ride.

The renowned carousel manufacturer Höpler has produced the ‘Hupferl’ ride, a Bavarian classic from 1987.As the ride turns and bounces up and down, passengers have to hold on by their own strength. The ‘Hupferl’ has a round bench with a diameter of 9 metres, on which around 50 people can sit. A hydraulic system accelerates the circle up to 14 revolutions per minute.
The Hupferl is located at Straße 1, No. 14.

Laser Pix

Der Laser Pix auf dem Oktoberfest
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
At Laser Pix, visitors can enjoy the colourful and bright atmosphere of video games from the 80s and 90s without having to sit in front of their computer at home.Fun, games and nostalgia take centre stage, making the ride a new eye-catcher for all generations!

Oktoberfest 2024 welcomes ‘Laser-Pix’, the first ride in which you can actively participate.Passengers become part of an interactive video game. Using a laser, you aim and shoot at a total of 100 different targets - hidden, moving or animated - to land as many hits as possible. The unpredictable course of ‘Laser-Pix’ provides additional thrills.

Technical data:

  • Length: 30 m
  • Width: 16 m
  • Height: 9 metres

The Laser-Pix can be found at Schaustellerstraße 41.

Kick Down

Wiesn-Chef Clemens Baumgärtner, OB Dieter Reiter und Maik Landwermann, Betreiber vom Kick Down.
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner, Mayor Dieter Reiter and Maik Landwermann, operator of the Kick Down.

The ‘Kick Down’ offers a dynamic experience through the combination of three different movement sequences: A rotating arm with an inclined axis of rotation moves a platform in the opposite direction. Five free-swinging four-person gondolas are located on this platform. At full speed, the gondolas reach speeds of up to 50 kilometres per hour.

Technical data:

  • Front: 18 metres
  • Depth: 16 metres
  • Height: approx. 12 metres
  • Connected load: 150 kw
  • Capacity: 20 people

The Kick Down is located in street 2, no. 7.

BigPictures 2.0

„Big Picture 2.0“ ist ein 12D-Kino, das die Zuschauer mit zahlreichen Spezialeffekten in Staunen versetzt.
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
Big Pictures 2.0 is one of the new attractions that Wiesn visitors can discover this year. A visual show that combines art, technology and entertainment to create a unique experience at the Wiesn, a pleasant change from the ever-popular classic rides.

‘Big Picture 2.0’ is a 12D cinema that amazes the audience with numerous special effects.Here they become part of an adventurous story. The use of wind, rain and snow conveys an immediate ‘live’ feeling.

The ride is located in street 3, no. 10.

Grand Carousel

Das „The Grand Carousel“ ist ein Etagenkarussell, das traditionelle Kunst mit moderner Technologie kombiniert.
Copyright: RAW, Stefan Dohl
Nostalgic and beautiful: The Grand Carousel.

The Grand Carousel is a multi-storey carousel that combines traditional art with modern technology. Visitors can access a second floor via a staircase from the entrance level. There, gondolas and horses await them, designed in a mixture of Baroque, Rococo and Renaissance styles. Powered by an electric motor, the carousel is climate-neutral and emission-free. Every detail of the construction has been carefully and authentically designed to create a historical ambience.

Technical data:

  • 62 seats
  • Diameter 12 m
  • Height 14 metres.

The Grand Carousel can be found in street 4, no. 5

Jim und Jasper‘s Wild Wasser

Jim und Jasper‘s Wild Wasser
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
With colourful figures and exciting water effects, the Jim & Jasper Wild water ride will be attracting visitors to the Oktoberfest for the first time this year. The lively design of the ride lures young and old into the refreshing water of the new attraction, which should not be missed on any family visit this year.

‘Jim & Jasper's Wild Water’ promises a thrilling ride experience.With the largest transportable white water ride in Europe, Blume, a show company in its eighth generation, is setting new fairground standards. ‘Wild Wasser’ is one of the most modern white water rides with the latest technology and constant safety monitoring of the ride.

Technical data:

  • Base area 27 by 57 metres
  • 18 metres high
  • 355 thousand litres of water
  • Fully air-conditioned ride
  • 80 thousand litres of water are pumped through per minute.

The wild water ride is located in street 5, no. 18.

New main entrance Oide Wiesn

OB Dieter Reiter und Wiesn-Chef Clemens Baumgärtner vor dem neuen Haupteingang Oide Wiesn
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
Mayor Dieter Reiter and Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner in front of the new Oide Wiesn main entrance.

The new main entrance to the Oide Wiesn event is located at the level of the museum tent. As a new service, cashless payment is possible at three cash desks. In addition, online tickets can be purchased for the first time via München Ticket, which can then be paid for online and collected on site. The old main entrance opposite the Giant Ferris Wheel will only be open for re-entry. The aim of this measure is to equalise the queuing situation at the busy corner between Wirtsbudenstraße and Straße 5.

Holzpfosten Scooter "Der Selbstfahrer"

Mit der Reaktivierung des vermutlich einzigen historischen „Holzpfosten-Scooters“ Deutschlands trägt Richard Müller zur Bewahrung und Wiederbelebung eines Stücks Schaustellergeschichte bei.
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
Richard Müller's "Selbstfahrer" is not only a nostalgic highlight, but also a unique piece of fairground history. As the only surviving historical wooden post scooter in Germany, it brings back memories of the 1960s and 1970s, when such rides characterised folk festivals.

A new driving wind is also blowing at the Oide Wiesn event.There is a ‘wooden post scooter’ here this year. This is a classic bumper car as we know it from the 60s and 70s. By reactivating what is probably the only historic ‘wooden post scooter’ in Germany, Richard Müller is helping to preserve and revitalise a piece of fairground history. The Richard Müller family business can look back on a long tradition dating back to the 16th century.

Technical data:

  • Year of construction: approx. 1950
  • Restoration, spring 2010
  • Connected load: 60 KW
  • Track: 16 x 10 m
  • Dimensions: 23 x 13 m (with the trolley)

Musikantenzelt Boandlkramerei

Wirte Peter und Petra Schöniger mit Winfried Frey (künstlerische Leitung)
Copyright: RAW, Moritz Röder
The hosts of the Boandlkramerei Peter and Petra Schöniger with Winfried Frey (artistic director).

The landlord family Peter and Petra Schöniger have 33 years of folk festival experience. Winfried Frey is responsible for the music programme as artistic director. Well-known artists from the folk music scene will be on stage, as well as new, as yet unknown folk music groups. The cuisine is characterised by vegan and vegetarian dishes as well as traditional Bavarian delicacies. Wiesn beer from Augustiner Bräu is also served. Visually, the tent is reminiscent of an old pub. Elevated boxes ensure that guests have a good view of the action on stage.


  • Seating inside: 1,745 seats
  • Seating in the beer garden: 1,096 seats.
  • Brewery: Augustiner Bräu Wagner KG

The Boandlkramerei is located OW No. 5

Background info: Culinary novelties

‘Corn in a Cup’ offers loose corn in a cup with various sauces, spices and toppings. (Wirtsbudenstraße 22)
The ‘AuerOx & Suppenküche’ stand is also new to the Wiesn. In addition to classics such as the organic ox shred bun and the Munich fried chicken, there are also vegetarian options, as well as homemade soups and stews made from regional produce. (Street 3)
Pasta from the Parmesan loaf - optionally with cream, garlic, onions, rocket and cherry tomatoes from the pan - is another culinary innovation. The pasta is freshly prepared. Vegetarian versions with prawns are also available. (Matthias-Pschorr-Straße 17).